




case class Location(line: Int, column: Int)


import scala.collection.mutable

trait SCombinator { self =>
  type P[+T] = Parser[T]

  protected var input: String = ""

  protected var recent: Option[Failure] = None

  private[this] val DefaultLabel: String = "fail"

  protected final def isEOF(index: Int): Boolean = index >= input.length

  protected final def current(index: Int): String = input.substring(index)

  protected val locations: mutable.Map[Int, Location] = mutable.Map[Int, Location]()

  sealed abstract class ParseResult[+T] {
    def index: Int
    def value: Option[T]

  case class Success[+T](semanticValue: T, override val index: Int) extends ParseResult[T] {
    override def value: Option[T] = Some(semanticValue)
  sealed abstract class ParseNonSuccess extends ParseResult[Nothing] {
    def message: String
  case class Error(override val message: String, override val index: Int) extends ParseNonSuccess {
    override def value: Option[Nothing] = None
  case class Failure(override val message: String, override val index: Int, label: String) extends ParseNonSuccess {
    self.recent match {
      case None => self.recent = Some(this)
      case Some(failure) if index >= failure.index => self.recent = Some(this)
      case _ => // Do nothing
    override def value: Option[Nothing] = None
  object Failure {
    def apply(message: String, index: Int): Failure = Failure(message, index, DefaultLabel)

  final def parsePartial[R](rule: Parser[R], input: String): ParseResult[R] = synchronized {
    this.input = input
    this.recent = None
    rule(0) match {
      case s@Success(_, _) => s
      case f@Failure(_, _, label) =>
        if(label == DefaultLabel) {
        } else {
      case f@Error(_, _) =>

  protected final def calculateLocations(): Unit = {
    var i: Int = 0
    var line: Int = 1
    var column: Int = 1
    val chars = input.toCharArray
    while(i < chars.length) {
      val ch = chars(i)
      ch match {
        case '\n' =>
          locations(i) = Location(line, column)
          line += 1
          column = 1
          i += 1
        case '\r' =>
          if(i == chars.length - 1) {
            locations(i) = Location(line, column)
            line += 1
            column = 1
            i += 1
          } else {
            locations(i) = Location(line, column)
            if(chars(i + 1) == '\n') {
              locations(i + 1) = Location(line, column + 1)
              line += 1
              column = 1
              i += 2
            } else {
              line += 1
              column = 1
              i += 1
        case _ =>
          locations(i) = Location(line, column)
          column += 1
          i += 1
    locations(i) = Location(line, column)

  def parserOf[T](function: Int => ParseResult[T]): Parser[T] = new Parser[T] {
    override def apply(index: Int): ParseResult[T] = function(index)

  abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Int => ParseResult[T]) {

    def apply(index: Int): ParseResult[T]


  final def string(literal: String): Parser[String] = parserOf{index =>
    if(literal.length > 0 && isEOF(index)) {
      Failure(s"expected:`${literal}` actual:EOF", index)
    } else if(current(index).startsWith(literal)) {
      Success(literal, index + literal.length)
    } else {
      Failure(s"expected:`${literal}` actual:`${current(index)(0)}`", index)

  final def $(literal: String): Parser[String] = string(literal)


パース対象の文字列の座標を表すのには Locationクラス を使用しています。それからパーサコンビネーターはトレイトなので、利用するときは object P1 extends SCombinator とSCombinatorを継承しています。パース対象の文字列や現在のパース結果、パース完了しているかどうか、現在のパース対象の座標など管理しています。

  protected var input: String = ""

  protected var recent: Option[Failure] = None

  private[this] val DefaultLabel: String = "fail"

  protected final def isEOF(index: Int): Boolean = index >= input.length

  protected final def current(index: Int): String = input.substring(index)

  protected val locations: mutable.Map[Int, Location] = mutable.Map[Int, Location]()

パース結果を表すために、ParseResult, Success, ParseNonSuccess, Error, Failureを用意しています。ParseNonSuccessではトレイトのメンバ変数にアクセスするため、 trait SCombinator { self => としてselfでアクセスできるようにしています。

  sealed abstract class ParseResult[+T] {
    def index: Int
    def value: Option[T]

  case class Success[+T](semanticValue: T, override val index: Int) extends ParseResult[T] {
    override def value: Option[T] = Some(semanticValue)
  sealed abstract class ParseNonSuccess extends ParseResult[Nothing] {
    def message: String
  case class Error(override val message: String, override val index: Int) extends ParseNonSuccess {
    override def value: Option[Nothing] = None
  case class Failure(override val message: String, override val index: Int, label: String) extends ParseNonSuccess {
    self.recent match {
      case None => self.recent = Some(this)
      case Some(failure) if index >= failure.index => self.recent = Some(this)
      case _ => // Do nothing
    override def value: Option[Nothing] = None
  object Failure {
    def apply(message: String, index: Int): Failure = Failure(message, index, DefaultLabel)


  abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Int => ParseResult[T]) {

    def apply(index: Int): ParseResult[T]


  def parserOf[T](function: Int => ParseResult[T]): Parser[T] = new Parser[T] {
    override def apply(index: Int): ParseResult[T] = function(index)


  final def string(literal: String): Parser[String] = parserOf{index =>
    if(literal.length > 0 && isEOF(index)) {
      Failure(s"expected:`${literal}` actual:EOF", index)
    } else if(current(index).startsWith(literal)) {
      Success(literal, index + literal.length)
    } else {
      Failure(s"expected:`${literal}` actual:`${current(index)(0)}`", index)

  final def $(literal: String): Parser[String] = string(literal)


  final def parsePartial[R](rule: Parser[R], input: String): ParseResult[R] = synchronized {
    this.input = input
    this.recent = None
    rule(0) match {
      case s@Success(_, _) => s
      case f@Failure(_, _, label) =>
        if(label == DefaultLabel) {
        } else {
      case f@Error(_, _) =>

  protected final def calculateLocations(): Unit = {
    var i: Int = 0
    var line: Int = 1
    var column: Int = 1
    val chars = input.toCharArray
    while(i < chars.length) {
      val ch = chars(i)
      ch match {
        case '\n' =>
          locations(i) = Location(line, column)
          line += 1
          column = 1
          i += 1
        case '\r' =>
          if(i == chars.length - 1) {
            locations(i) = Location(line, column)
            line += 1
            column = 1
            i += 1
          } else {
            locations(i) = Location(line, column)
            if(chars(i + 1) == '\n') {
              locations(i + 1) = Location(line, column + 1)
              line += 1
              column = 1
              i += 2
            } else {
              line += 1
              column = 1
              i += 1
        case _ =>
          locations(i) = Location(line, column)
          column += 1
          i += 1
    locations(i) = Location(line, column)

それから type P[+T] = Parser[T] と型エイリアスを定義しています。 テキスト判定のパーサの動作確認は、以下のテストコードで確認できます。

class MySpec extends FunSpec with DiagrammedAssertions {

  object P1 extends SCombinator {
    def root: P[String] = $("")
  object P2 extends SCombinator {
    def root: P[String] = $("H")
  object P3 extends SCombinator {
    def root: P[String] = $("Hello")

  describe("test strParse") {
    it("""$("") and string("") always succeed""") {
      P1.parsePartial(P1.root, "") match {
        case P1.Success(v, index) =>
          assert("" == v)
          assert(0 == index)
        case _ =>

    it("""$("H") succeed for string starts with 'H'""") {
      P2.parsePartial(P2.root, "H") match {
        case P2.Success(v, index) =>
          assert("H" == v)
          assert(1 == index)
        case _ =>
      P2.parsePartial(P2.root, "Hello") match {
        case P2.Success(v, index) =>
          assert("H" == v)
          assert(1 == index)
        case _ =>
      P2.parsePartial(P2.root, "I") match {
        case P2.Success(_, _) =>
        case n:P2.ParseNonSuccess =>
          assert(0 == n.index)
          assert(None == n.value)

  it("""$("Hello") succeed for string starts with 'Hello'""") {
    P3.parsePartial(P3.root, "Hello") match {
      case P3.Success(v, index) =>
        assert("Hello" == v)
        assert(5 == index)
      case _ => assert(false)
    P3.parsePartial(P3.root, "H") match {
      case P3.Failure(message, index, label) =>
        assert(index == 0)
      case _ => assert(false)




case class ~[+A, +B](a: A, b: B)

それから Parser クラスに対して以下の~メソッドを追加します。~メソッドは2つのパースが成功した場合に~型の値を返すようにしています。

  abstract class Parser[+T] extends (Int => ParseResult[T]) {
    def apply(index: Int): ParseResult[T]

    def ~[U](right: Parser[U]) : Parser[T ~ U] = parserOf{index =>
      this(index) match {
        case Success(value1, next1) =>
          right(next1) match {
            case Success(value2, next2) =>
              Success(new ~(value1, value2), next2)
            case failure@Failure(_, _, _) =>
            case fatal@Error(_, _) =>
        case failure@Failure(_, _, _) =>
        case fatal@Error(_, _) =>


  object P4 extends SCombinator {
    def hello: P[String] = $("Hello")
    def world: P[String] = $("World")
    def root: P[String ~ String] = hello ~ world

  it("""$("Hello") ~ $("World") succeed for string starts with 'HelloWorld'""") {
    P4.parsePartial(P4.root, "HelloWorld") match {
      case P4.Success(_, index) =>
        assert(index == 10)
      case _ => assert(false)


先ほどのパースの結果を扱いやすくするため、パースの結果を変換できるようにしてみます。パース後の結果の変換のために Parser クラスにmapメソッドを定義します。

    def map[U](function: T => U): Parser[U] = parserOf{index =>
      this(index) match {
        case Success(value, next) => Success(function(value), next)
        case failure@Failure(_, _, _) => failure
        case fatal@Error(_, _) => fatal
    def ^^[U](function: T => U): Parser[U] = map(function)


  object P5 extends SCombinator {
    def hello: P[String] = $("Hello")
    def world: P[String] = $("World")
    def root: P[String] = (hello ~ world) ^^ {
      case (a ~ b) => a + b
  P5.parsePartial(P5.root, "Hello") match {
    case P5.Failure(_, index, _) =>
      assert(index == 5)
    case _ => assert(false)


0回以上の繰り返しをパースできるようにするため Parseクラス に以下の関数を定義しています。

def * : Parser[List[T]] = parserOf{index =>
    def repeat(index: Int): ParseResult[List[T]] = this(index) match {
    case Success(value, next1) =>
        repeat(next1) match {
        case Success(result, next2) =>
            Success(value::result, next2)
        case r => throw new RuntimeException("cannot be " + r)
    case Failure(message, next, DefaultLabel) =>
        Success(Nil, index)
    case failure@Failure(message, next, label) =>
    case f@Error(_, _) =>
    repeat(index) match {
    case r@Success(_, _) => r
    case r:ParseNonSuccess => r


  object P6 extends SCombinator {
    def hello: P[String] = $("Hello")
    def space: P[List[String]] = $(" ").*
    def world: P[String] = $("World")
    def root: P[String] = (hello ~ space ~ world) ^^ {
      case (a ~ b ~ c) => a + b.mkString("") + c

  it("""$("Hello") ~ $("World")3 succeed for string starts with 'HelloWorld'""") {
    P6.parsePartial(P6.root, "Hello  World") match {
      case P6.Success(v, index) =>
        assert(v == "Hello  World")
        assert(index == 12)
      case _ => assert(false)

    P6.parsePartial(P6.root, "HelloWorld") match {
      case P6.Success(v, index) =>
        assert(v == "HelloWorld")
        assert(index == 10)
      case _ =>


先ほどまでは複数のパーサの連続は~メソッドを使うようにしていたのですが、連続するパーサが多くなってくると分かりづらくなってきそうなのでfor式で記述できるようにします。 flatMapは以下のようにパース後の値を受け取ったらパーサを返すように定義してあげればよいので

  object P7 extends SCombinator {
    def hello: P[String] = $("Hello")
    def space: P[List[String]] = $(" ").*
    def world: P[String] = $("World")

    def root: P[String] =
      hello.flatMap(a =>
        space.flatMap(b =>
            a + b.mkString("") + c)))


def flatMap[U](function: T => Parser[U]): Parser[U] = parserOf{index =>
    this(index) match {
    case Success(value, next) =>
    case failure@Failure(_, _, _) =>
    case fatal@Error(_, _)=>


  object P7 extends SCombinator {
    def hello: P[String] = $("Hello")
    def space: P[List[String]] = $(" ").*
    def world: P[String] = $("World")

    def root: P[String] = for{
      a <- hello
      b <- space
      c <- world
    } yield a + b.mkString("") + c
